V International Forum on Advances in Pharmaceutical Technology-CISDEM
I Latinamerican Meeting of Graduate Students in Pharmacy

Important Dates

Registration open (Register Online) May 30, 2011

Local Registration November 23, 2011

Deadline for submission of abstracts September 30  2011

Confirmation of acceptance October 31, 2011
Online Registration ClosNovember 22, 2011
Close of local registration November 24, 2011

Call for Free Abstracts

The Iberoamerican–Swiss Centre for Development of Dosage Forms (CISDEM) invites all participants to submit an abstract for poster presentation in the areas of interest to the Pharmaceutical Profession and Related to Health.

Any questions or problems with submissions may be directed to Luz Maria Melgoza by e-mail lmelgoza@correo.xoc.uam.mx.



The Iberoamerican-Swiss Centre for Development of Dosage Forms (CISDEM) will organize the annual meeting which will disclose the most relevant advances of the Ibero-American and Swiss research organizations concerning Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics.

The previous forums had been successfully performed in Seville, Spain (2007 and 2008), Maringá, Brazil (2009) and Bern, Switzerland (2010); the next Forum will perform in Mexico City through the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, campus Xochimilco. This event will bring together teachers, researchers and graduate students in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Europe and Latin America.

The organizing committee is pleased to invite you to attend the V International Forum on Advances in Pharmaceutical Technology - CISDEM and the First Meeting Graduate Students in Pharmacy to be hold in Mexico City from 23rd to 25th, November 2011.

The official languages of the lectures and posters are English and Spanish.

First Printing House of America

Old colonial house of 383 square metres that was built towards the year 1524 in one of the solars donated apparently the conquerer Geronimo de Aguilar as an award for his performance as Hernan Cortes translator.

Printing houses

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